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Get the Gstack tooling

All you need to interact with Gstack is the gk command-line tool.

To install gk, just run:

curl -fsSL http://get.gstack.io/please | sh


wget -qO- http://get.gstack.io/please | sh

Supported platforms are: Linux (64 or 32 bits) and OS X (64 bits only). Windows users need to download here the original cf tool and rename it gk.

Once the installation is done, you are ready to log in to Gstack and push containers or applications online.

Log in to Gstack

First select the API endpoint for Gstack:

gk api https://api.gstack.me

Then just login with gk login, and the tool will ask you your credential like this:

$ gk login
API endpoint: https://api.gstack.me

Email> benjamin@exmple.org

Password> ********

Easy as that.

After you first login, you are operating in the context of a Gstack “Organization”. A Gstack operator has created it for you, based on your family name. Anyway, you don’t need to bother.

Moreover, the applications you push will belong to a “Space”, inside your “Organization”. The Gstack operator has created a default space named staging for you to start using Gstack. Right now, you don’t need to bother. “Organization” and “Space” are just organizational boxes that tell where your applications will be on Gstack.

So, you are ready.

Play around with a Docker container

The whole point in this example is to push an application on Gstack, and see that you can access it immediately with your web brower.

This requires a domain name to acces your app. Good news, a Gstack operator has created a gstack.me subdomain for you only, named after your family name. For example, if your family name is gandon, your own subdomain will be gandon.gstack.me. You can see that with the following command:

    $ gk domains
    gandon.gstack.me   owned
  1. Select your own subdomain and put it in a variable for later use (and simplicity of this tutorial):

     owned_domain=$(LANG=en gk domains | awk '/owned/{print $1}')
  2. Push a sample container.

     gk push wow-cool -o gstack/sample-app -m 8M -k 16M -d "$owned_domain"

    (The gstack/sample-app sample container is available on Docker Hub.)

  3. Browse your app on the web.

     open "http://wow-cool.$owned_domain"
  4. Scale up your app to 3 instances.

     gk scale wow-cool -i 3
  5. Refresh your browser several time to see the app index changing. This means that web requests are properly load-balanced across the 3 instances of your app.

  6. Once you’re done, clean up your resources, deleting the test app and its route. (Once again, replace gandon by your actual family name.)

     gk delete wow-cool
     gk delete-route "$owned_domain" -n wow-cool

Push your own source code

When you push a public container from Docker Hub, you get it online, but as-is. What about pushing some applicaiton code that we have customized ourselves?

In this process we don’t need to first create a public Docker Hub container. Instead, our application will be directly sent from our computer to Gstack, and deployed there within a private container.

  1. Grab a sample application

     git clone https://github.com/gstackio/sample-app.git gstack-gsg
     cd gstack-gsg
  2. Customize your application. Edit the handlers/hello.go file in your favorite text editor, and change the content of the <div class="hello">. For example, if your name is “Benjamin”, you can put this:

       <div class="hello">
           Benjamin here! Gstack Rocks!
  3. Push it to Gstack.

     owned_domain=$(LANG=en gk domains | awk '/owned/{print $1}')
     gk push i-am -d "$owned_domain"

    Here you see that your source code is first built, and then deployed on Gstack.

    You’ll notice that we create a shell variable named owned_domain. That’s just to automate the work of selecting your own subdomain when deploying the app. This ensures your app is accessed with a URL that is unique.

  4. Browse your app on the web!

     open "http://i-am.$owned_domain"

    From there, you can try editing handlers/hello.go again, and gk push the result to update your app.

  5. Once you’re done, delete your the created resources, i.e. the test application and its route.

     gk delete i-am
     gk delete-route "$owned_domain" -n i-am

Go further

Now that you have pushed your first container and application, you might be interested in writing your own application!

In this guide, you may have noticed that you accessed your app with an non-encrypted http:// scheme. That’s because Gstack creates “HTTP routes” by default. Go read our HTTPS Guide to implement an encrypted “HTTPS route”.

In this guide our sample application doesn’t use any database. See our Services Guide to learn how to plug a database into your app, and how the setup shall find its way into your manifest.yml deployment descriptor.

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